James and I spent another weekend with my grandparents in Rockport! It was soooo much fun! We love visiting, and wish we didn't have so much work and we could visit more often. We spent a lot of time with other people form the park this time, which was great!!

Suna and Les, Karen and Dick, and Barb...and lots of other people whose names I don't recall at the moment. It was Barb's birthday, and we had a surprise celebration for her with cake

and ice cream during the Omaha break at the clubhouse, which was a lot of fun. We went to church first, and the church is so nice in Rockport. It has a lot of Hispanic influence in the architecture and beautiful stained glass.

Everything about visiting is soooo great! We watched the World Series, and Grandpa was super disappointed with Detroit’s playing ability! The only time baseball is exciting to watch on TV is during the World Series! We were still super pumped coming off a big win against Clemson the night before!! Such an exciting win for us!!! :-D

Grandma is the gopher killer of the park, and we accompanied her on numerous "hunts"! The first one was successful, and a few hours after she planted the trap, we had a stiff dead gopher! The second one was almost a success, but as I was trying to get a picture of him caught in the trap (because I like sick pictures) he got away.

But, the trap was covered with blood, so we didn't think he would last long. She's doing a great job at getting them though! It's awesome! We went to Sears with Grandpa so he could get a double rebate for his awesome lawnmower he got! Sears has an awesome 30-day sale policy, and this tiny store had all sorts of things in it! And...have you seen refrigerators lately? My grandpa says they do everything but talk to you now!! HA!

Too bad we missed Halloween, but we were there the weekend before. The park was going to have a huge party, and they decorated the clubhouse really well!!

James and I were super impressed!! We can't wait for Thanksgiving! George was very happy he had a dog to try to kill, and AJ was letting him try. It's soooo funny to see them together! They egg each other on the entire time.