Sunday, June 21, 2009

The MVs honor Stack - 2 years later

It’s hard to believe that it’s been over two years since April 16th, 2007. It is also still hard to believe that it happened, and that our lives have continued despite such a tragic and horrific day. In spite of all of our sadness and hurt, so much good has been done in the name of all 32 Hokies, but especially in Stack’s name. This past weekend, the MV’s dedicated a home they built in Blacksburg in honor of him, for a local family with great need. Check out the story here: Stack's House It is amazing the love and drive that has led the MV’s to dedicate countless hours and thousands of dollars to remember a friend, and to honor the impact he had on all of our lives. Check out pictures of the building process: Construction Photos I am so proud of the MV’s, and so thankful to be a part of such an amazing organization.

A tradition of Excellence

Then, now, and always. Oh how good it is to be in the ACC! I spent a wonderful June afternoon enjoying the great company of my fellow ACC San Diego alumni at the fourth annual San Diego ACC Pig Pickin, featuring North Carolina pulled pork BBQ and the best hush puppies I have ever had. There is something special about enjoying fried food in healthy San Diego, where fried rarely appears on menus. I didn’t realize how many ACC alumni are living in San Diego, but there are a few thousand of us. Boston College and the University of Miami both boast over 800 alumni in the area, and the other alumni sites don’t list numbers, but I am always seeing cars with alumni stickers from those 12 fine universities. By the time I got to the picnic, the Hokie tables were full, but I was invited to sit with the University of Miami, which is quite fitting since we both joined the ACC the same year. Virginia Tech and the U have a special relationship, and Miami is near and dear to mine and James’ heart, as we have made many road trips to the U. The Miami alumni were very welcoming, and invited me and James to Canes (the SD bar where they watch their games) for the VT Miami game this year. They promised to be kind, and I promised to return the favor of kindness. I think we might take them up on it, as their bar is right on the beach, and has plenty of seating, where as Bubs is a few blocks from the water and you have to stand for the entire game. There was a golf tournament before the picnic, and we had a Hokie team in it. As they started to announce the winners, one of the Hokie team members became belligerent, saying the scores were rigged, and we should have gotten 5th place. It was hilarious, as he was going on and on about how Duke and UNC rigged the tournament and how just because we didn’t go to a preppy school didn’t mean we should be left of the rankings if there was a tie. The funniest part is that they had a girl on their team, and hadn’t figured out the handicap correctly, and came in first place! So…this year’s San Diego ACC golf championship goes to the Virginia Tech Hokies! :) Being around so many East Coast natives reminded me how much I miss that side of the country, but I know eventually we will return to cold winters, colorful falls, belligerent drunken football fans, and those beautiful mountains. Only 75 days until football!! Let the countdown begin! (This picture is from my Senior year, during Superman. It is now hanging in Dave's Office!)

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

“I have… I will… I will!”

Three years ago Angela and I got married on a beautiful summer day. Little did we know what the next few years would entail, but we confidently entered life together. Since then, we have lived apart nearly a third of the time, moved more than I care to remember, dropped out of school, graduated from school, and lived on a boat. Above you see the residences we have had since we wed, but not all of those were together! The point is we have had a busy three years, and can hardly believe it has gone by so fast. We have met many new people in all corners of the country. Though apart often, I am truly blessed with such a great wifey!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Everyday Conversation

Yesterday I was sitting on a rooftop patio at SDSU, where I retreat on my lunch breaks to do some reading and get a few minutes of sun and peace each day. It’s like an oasis, compared to the dark, cold, windowless office I occupy more than 40 hours a week. While I was sitting there yesterday, I got a chill and realized it wasn’t sunny. An older gentleman walked by me and asked me if it was supposed to rain. What an odd question, I thought! Someone in San Diego just asked me about the weather…for the first time in 11 months. I told him I hadn’t checked the weather, but it certainly looked and felt like rain. And then it occurred to me that I haven’t checked the weather more than 4 times since we’ve moved out here. And every time I have checked the weather, it’s because I was traveling somewhere and I needed to know what the weather was like on the other side of the country. But yesterday, I should have checked, because it rained for 3 minutes and there was thunder! I didn’t hear it, but it was all the talk in the office today. For the most part, every day here is about the same. It’s overcast in the morning, with a sea mist engulfing you. By 10:30, the mist has lifted and the sun is shining brightly. By noon, it’s nice and warm, and it stays warm until about 4:00, and then it starts to cool off, getting chilly in the evening. And that happens every single day…winter, spring, summer, fall.