Thursday, March 29, 2007

The Huckleberry

Due to the great Spring weather, we were able to enjoy one of the great advantages of living in the New River Valley. An old railroad grade has been turned into a paved trail connecting Blacksburg and Christiansburg through woods and well tended farms. With a warm day reaching the low 80s, we got AJ out of the house as he had become stir crazy from a lack of walks. Parking on campus, AJ immediately made friends with Tech’s cows. AJ sniffed out the cows, and then his tail started wagging as one came up to him, which scared the little guy. His barks attracted other cows, which proceeded to follow us along the fence. Angela is skittish around cattle, so we quickened our pace as a silent, ominous crowd of cows followed us. But after jogging and bike riding the Huckleberry many times as students, we enjoyed the coming of warmer weather! We didn’t find where that crazy guy, Morva, was hiding out. Nothing was really in bloom yet to hide anyone.

1 comment:

  1. While I was running the other day, I thought about the Huckleberry Trail and how much I missed it. The scenery running through the Ghetto Apartments in the neighborhood only contains illegal immigrants.

    The trial is supposed to start soon and they showed a clip on the news last night. In it students were running out of Squires and 90% were wearing some combination of orange and maroon. It was good to see - even if Hokie Nation let us down last weekend.
