Sunday, April 15, 2007

Spring Celebrations

Being back in Blacksburg has enabled us to celebrate important dates with old friends. A few weeks ago, two friends from the Marching Virginians turned 21 and 23, respectively. A large gathering of people went to a few restaurants and bars for dinner and pool to celebrate. To make the event more festive, Angela found cheap light up crowns and wands for the birthday girls. The two (Sarah and JJ) also donned self made tee shirts, which were good for a few free drinks from charitable bar tenders. Angela felt old, as she can remember Sarah's first day of band-camp as a piccolo player. :-) Bic had a merry time, leading one bar in a chorus of song, "Ole, Ole, ole, ole, oleeeeeee, ole, OLE!" He is also pictured here stealing Skippy’s beer! We left for home amidst a sudden and unexpected snow storm.

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