Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Lego Hokie Bird = AWESOME

Enjoying the ‘Burg

We didn’t just move when my mom and Paula came to help, but we enjoyed some special aspects of Blacksburg. There is nothing quite like enjoying a huge Pop Sundae after a day of moving, so we made sure that we did that. I still can’t believe that four people can get full off of one sundae…but it definitely happens! We also enjoyed an evening of Mexican at El Rod’s, as well as their awesome Margaritas. We deserved it after moving in two days. We ended the trip by visiting some of the Hokie Birds around town. They really have been a very pleasant addition, and I am thankful they are everywhere around town. :-) I hope to get a picture with all of them, which is hard, because some individuals bought them and have them for private use.

Nuestra Casa!

Yay for our own place to live!!! We have an adorable one bedroom apartment to ourselves now, and I absolutely love it!! James and I couldn’t be happier…we have all of our wedding presents out again and we are having fun experimenting with cooking and we’ve enjoyed plenty of movies already! :-) It is very exciting to have a place of your own! My mom and Paula came to help us move, which we are very grateful for. We could not have done it without them…as it only took us two days to get everything out of the townhouse and the storage unit. If it had just been James and I, it would have taken us all week!! And…we had already moved once in the last six months by ourselves, and it is very hard without any help. So, everything is in the apartment, and now we are just spending some time unpacking and making it home. We cannot wait to start having people over for dinner and movies and having people come and visit us now!! :-)

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Moving Again!!!

James and I are moving again!! Yes, we truly have become nomads, only this time unexpectedly. Our landlord sold the townhouse and decided not to honor our lease, so these last few weeks we have been scrambling to find a place to live!! After not much sleep and lots of stress, we have finally found a place to live!! A cute little one bedroom apartment to ourselves!! No more messy roommates and other people’s schedules to have to worry about!! I’m very excited, and this way we know we really have a place to live until the lease ends!! We move in on Monday, and I couldn’t be happier!! Our new address is as follows:

1315 University City Blvd. Apt. #5
Blacksburg, VA 24060

The Duke Dog

Our youngest sister Mary will be attending James Madison University in the fall, home of the Duke Dogs. We are very excited for her, but can’t help but laugh at this statue. We stopped by JMU on the way home from a wine-tasting tour in Northern Virginia, and LOVED this statue!! It’s so funny, and he looks drunk! Definitely the high point of our 15 minute stay on campus!!

Cinco de Mayo fiesta!

I can’t believe Colin is already a year old!! He has grown up so much, and he is absolutely adorable! We went home for his birthday, and celebrated in style with fun kid presents, Mexican food (he was born on Cinco de Mayo!), and cake to put all over your face. Colin did that quite well…although it took him a few minutes to learn he was supposed to. He had a stylish Mohawk all day, which was very cute, and it was the first day he didn’t cry when I touched him, so I was very excited. Although, I did have to remind him that I was the mean Aunt once when I took him inside and he wanted to stay outside (which he was telling me by pointing his arm in the other direction). He got these adorable camo ducks from my mom, and he had so much fun taking them out of the plastic bag (his “purse”) and then putting them back inside. We learned a little bit more about Baby Einstein and the caterpillar and noticed that Colin can keep a beat! It is pretty impressive, so we think we need to get him some musical instruments so he can perfect his skills young. He’s going to be a Tuba player in the MV’s one day…or if he’s smart he’ll play piccolo and be in a section with all of the cute girls. Hehehe… we’ll see!

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Kids' Expressions

This is probably my favorite Hokie Bird ever!! And...the flaming VT....kids are awesome!

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Hokie Angels

We stumbled upon these beautiful crosses by accident. We just found them yesterday while looking for a place to live (yes, we are almost homeless again!) on the outskirts of Blacksburg. What a sweet surprise, and what an awesome way to remember 32 amazing lives.

No Mas Media!!!!

Thank goodness the media has finally left us in peace! These signs are posted on EVERY door on campus. We are very thankful to have our university back to ourselves.