Thursday, May 17, 2007

Moving Again!!!

James and I are moving again!! Yes, we truly have become nomads, only this time unexpectedly. Our landlord sold the townhouse and decided not to honor our lease, so these last few weeks we have been scrambling to find a place to live!! After not much sleep and lots of stress, we have finally found a place to live!! A cute little one bedroom apartment to ourselves!! No more messy roommates and other people’s schedules to have to worry about!! I’m very excited, and this way we know we really have a place to live until the lease ends!! We move in on Monday, and I couldn’t be happier!! Our new address is as follows:

1315 University City Blvd. Apt. #5
Blacksburg, VA 24060

1 comment:

  1. Looking forward to our football weekend apartment in the fall!
