Sunday, June 10, 2007

Snakes... In a Pond!

While walking along Pandapas Pond Trail a few weeks ago, we came upon an active nest of water snakes. Angela took several pictures of them, and we later googled them to discover their exact species of Northern Water Snake. We witnessed at least 15 snakes moving about in the afternoon sun, perhaps hunting, mating, or just swimming. We were only about 15 feet at most from them, but the tiny bridge was enough protection as the snakes were not curious of onlookers or aggressive. This must be snake season in this area, as at work one day some coworkers found a timber-rattle snake on main street near the big ABC store. They boxed it up and took it out past Brush Mountain I assume... For those who don't know, I am landscaping for the Town of Blacksburg while I await a date to report to the Naval Officer Candidate School. I am a glorified horticulturist and have been busy planting perennials in all the town parks!

1 comment:

  1. You should have caught one and held it up for a better picture!
