Friday, September 28, 2007
Cell phone!
James called me on Monday on his cell phone!! I looked at my phone, and I was like…who is this?! Ha! He had to leave it in his car when he got there, and Monday was the first day he was actually allowed to go to his car. He retook the engineering exam on Monday, and said he felt really good about it, as he spent all day Sunday studying. He did complain that he didn’t get to go to church on Sunday, so he didn’t get his once a week coffee and donut. That’s so sad!
And, if he were to be rolled back, he is allowed to call me immediately, and he hasn’t called, so I’m assuming he passed!! :-) Yay!! He’s spending all week getting ready for the week four inspection, which determines whether or not he will receive early liberty! :-) He sounded really good when I talked to him on Monday, so let’s hope it is getting better! I’ll keep you updated!

Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Gouger Tailgate Fever

Sunday, September 23, 2007
Officer Candidate Gouger
James called again this morning! :-) He called about 5 minutes after my parents left, and we were able to talk for about 30 minutes, which was wonderful. From this point on, he should have access to the phones on Sundays, although he hardly has any free time to actually be able to use them, and he still has no access to his cell phone, which he had to leave in his car, along with stamps, so he cannot write anyone either. He sounds stressed and tired, and he may be getting rolled back, but he won’t know until this week. This week was his engineering course, and he failed the exam, along with 36 of the 45 people in his class. The class grew, as when you fail a course, you are rolled into the next class, so a lot of people had already failed the engineering course once failed again. He said that basically if you weren’t an engineer in college, you didn’t pass, which was really frustrating and disheartening for him, because James never fails anything academically! But, he is able to retake the test on Tuesday or Wednesday, so he is spending all day today studying, in an effort to pass, so he doesn’t have to stay there longer. Being rolled back will probably extend his time there by three weeks, which would be hard on us, but he said it could be a blessing in disguise, as he would have two or three weeks to rest and work out before he had to take the course again. (Because he would just wait until the next class gets to the engineering class.)
So…pray that he passes his exam this week!! He loves getting mail, so keep writing, but please do not send any packages!! Every time he gets a package, he has to open it in front of his drill instructor, and he hates doing that, even if the package has stuff he is allowed to have. So…wait on any packages!! I’ll let you know when he is ready to get them. Also, please pray for David, as he failed his second eye exam. He gets one more shot, but if he fails it a third time, he cannot be a pilot, and more than likely, he will choose to leave.

Saturday, September 22, 2007
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Another beautiful sunset in Blacksburg!
James Update!
Hello all! I am very excited to tell you that I had the chance to talk to James for 20 minutes the other night!! It was such a blessing, and I definitely needed it! He called around midnight, and said he wasn't supposed to be talking to me, but I'm glad he broke some rules! :-) And, I could actually hear him this time. He said everything is hard, and this week has been harder than last week, as they are doing the intense physical work in addition to school work (Engineering).
They have more free time now, but they have so much to do, and he said they never know when they are going to get interrupted, so it is hard to actually start anything. Which is frustrating for James, because he always likes to plan things out! He said they are exhausted and hungry, but they are finally allowed to get packages, but all they can get are power bars and beef jerky, so guess what I went and bought yesterday? I felt really awkward at Wal*Mart with a cart full of protein bars and jerky.
He asked if I could send him a lot at once so he doesn’t have to continually open packages in front of his drill instructor. That is so sad! His class will not be guaranteed liberty until the 8th week, although they may get it sooner, so I am hoping to visit him at the end of October. He was interested in hearing all about the Glennon/Tyrod fiasco, and wanted to hear about Patreaus’ report, which I hadn’t read and knew nothing about. He says hi, and that he’s hanging in there! I miss him like crazy!! Keep writing! :-)

Sunday, September 16, 2007
Newport, Rhode Island

James has officially left for OCS, and I miss him like crazy! We traveled to Rhode Island a few days before he had to report, so that we could spend some time together and get to know the Newport area.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007
James' temp address.
OC James Gouger
Officer Candidate School
Class 02-08
Officer Training Command Newport
291 Kollmeyer St
Newport, RI 02841-1641
Fall Ball
Football has returned to America, thank God! Angela and I went to our first game in Lane Stadium since graduating and spending a hard season away in Texas... In an over hyped, emotional atmosphere, we witnessed a lackluster performance by our beloved Hokies. The areas of the team that were supposed to be weak were very weak. Our offense was horribly out of sync. East Carolina played hard, but we got the win. I have noticed that whenever there is a very large media attention on our team the week before a game, they struggle or stink up the field (Miami 2005, FSU 2005, entire 2003 season... etc). Gameday will be in Baton Rouge this week to cover a second Tech game in a row, which could spell doom and ruin for our offense. But, in all fairness, a huge burden had been placed on the football team, as they were looked at since April to bring happiness through success on the field to an embattled community. That is a lot of pressure for a bunch of youngsters.
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