Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Fall Ball

Football has returned to America, thank God! Angela and I went to our first game in Lane Stadium since graduating and spending a hard season away in Texas... In an over hyped, emotional atmosphere, we witnessed a lackluster performance by our beloved Hokies. The areas of the team that were supposed to be weak were very weak. Our offense was horribly out of sync. East Carolina played hard, but we got the win. I have noticed that whenever there is a very large media attention on our team the week before a game, they struggle or stink up the field (Miami 2005, FSU 2005, entire 2003 season... etc). Gameday will be in Baton Rouge this week to cover a second Tech game in a row, which could spell doom and ruin for our offense. But, in all fairness, a huge burden had been placed on the football team, as they were looked at since April to bring happiness through success on the field to an embattled community. That is a lot of pressure for a bunch of youngsters. At least our kickers looked good! Also, it was nice to see many of our friends at the game, in the band and alumni. Many Gougers were at the game, as Capers is now up here in addition to all the ticket holders in the family. Sitting in the upper South End Zone, we met many season ticket holders who hoped we would be coming back, but this will be the only home game I make it to all year, and Angela will be sitting all over the stadium depending on the tickets she scrambles to find! It makes us miss band, as the game was rather anti-climatic to all the hype and bored us. At least in band you play songs and dance all game! The band has new uniforms this year, which look similar to the old ones, but appear to be made of cheaper material that ran. Sweat made the maroon bleed into the white... Apparently you cannot purchase heavy wool band uniforms anymore?! But all things considered, it was a great game to be at, and makes me all that more sad that I will miss watching many games this fall.

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