We recently realized that we haven't really told anyone what we are up to on a daily basis in Virginia Beach! James and I are both in school, and we are both super busy. We get up in the morning and drive to opposite ends of the city, with James ending up at the Ocean and me ending up almost in Chesapeake at Regent’s campus. Ensign Gouger works/studies everyday from 7:30-5:00 (and sometimes earlier if they are PTing and playing Marines), and I am taking 3 classes at Regent.

A great deal of James' homework and studying cannot be taken out of the building, so he comes home for dinner, and then often goes back to work, sometimes until 10:00 pm. So, we still don’t get to see each other very often. But, at least we are in the same city now! :-) I am a Graduate Assistant in the Undergraduate Advising Office at Regent, so I am working in the office 20 hours a week in addition to my classes. I love it though, and I work with incoming students on their degree plans, researching internship programs, and following up with students. We try to fit some weekend fun in, but it is interspersed with work! We should find out where we are moving in about two weeks, and we will definitely keep you updated!
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