James and I have recently discovered the awesomeness of sushi. The funny thing is that our friends have eaten it for years, but our preconceived notions of eating the raw fish has kept us from trying and enjoying it. My freshman roommate Cathy ate sushi all the time, and I was always like…ew. Even at her bridal shower I only ate the cooked stuff! At Japanese steakhouses, we would completely skip over the sushi menu. But our food palates have expanded over the last few months as we have been trying more and more kinds of sushi.

I will admit that I began with fried sushi (yes….fried), but then we went out with a friend who wouldn’t let me order it. And…he was right! Sushi is incredible. James would describe it as weird, but awesome, and he sometimes thinks it’s slimy. But, for the most part, we are enjoying the awesomeness of sushi!
i dont think i'll ever try sushi. Especially the slimy part. Maybe the fried sushi since everything tastes good fried usually....but glad you like it!