There is nothing quite as sweet as eating a freshly picked strawberry right off of the vine on a beautiful spring day in Pungo. Unless you are James who doesn’t eat them due to pesticides and too many agriculture classes in college. Though I am cognitively aware of the chemicals and bugs, I still enjoy the warm sweetness of the fresh fruit!

This year, we celebrated Colin’s second birthday by going strawberry picking, though I think we enjoyed it a bit more than Colin did. Colin even had a tiny Longaberger basket to himself. It was the perfect toddler size and it was just too cute. As we were having our baskets weighed, a woman came up to James and whispered to him where the best picking spot was: “You just keep going on past the pickers,

walk all the way towards the road, and then come back. That’s where we got all of these…” Apparently, no one ever taught her that it’s weird to go up to a stranger and whisper in their ear, and I think she picked all of the strawberries in her super secret area. We still got some awesome ones though!

Colin picked about two, and then waived goodbye and ran back to the car, so we continued without mama and nephew for a while. I never really thought that people had strawberry picking styles, but Brent only picks big ones that are shaped like the perfect strawberry, while Abigail prefers small strawberries, and I prefer weird looking ones that are ripe. James just likes ripe ones. And Colin prefers that other people pick his strawberries! It was a beautiful day, and James and I picked a ton of strawberries to enjoy.
Yes, its true. We all have our particular way to pick strawberries. The only problem is that you are all doing it wrong. The correct way of course is to pick the biggest best ones! haha I enjoyed this post!