Though we had been planning to get on the road on Saturday at noon, we ended up at the doctors instead, as James had developed quite a sore and swollen throat. In the entire time that I’ve known James, I think this is the second time he’s really gotten sick, which is kind of ironic.

He started feeling bad late Friday afternoon, and when he could barely swallow anymore, I began to get a little bit nervous. It’s actually quite a hassle to get an appointment for an active duty person once they have departed from their duty station, but we were able to get one at 2:45 on Saturday afternoon. Though it pushed us back an entire day of traveling, it was so important that he get better before we began our trek across the entire country.

The doctor didn’t really know what was wrong, although he muttered something about the swamp fires causing irritation, but he gave him lots of drugs, and they have seemed to be helping. It was actually wonderful getting an extra night in Virginia Beach, as I had been going non-stop in my Linguistics class, and I was giving my presentation on Saturday morning. By the time Saturday afternoon rolled around, I really wasn’t ready to jump into a car and drive for days and days.

It was nice to have the opportunity to get dinner with my family and Jamie and Benjamin, because even though we lived there, our schedules have been so crazy that we really haven’t had a chance to see them. James’ sickness was actually a blessing in disguise! And he can actually swallow again now…yay!
Picturing AJ sideways is appropriate as I believe that's how he feels his world is right now.