Saturday, March 7, 2009

Winter Blues?!

Written during the East Coast snow storm...) While the rest of the country had a lovely snow day full of sleet, power outages, and slippery fender-benders, we spent the day at work. While at work, we had no need for extra layers, ice scrapers, or salted sidewalks. Though the simple beauty of freshly fallen snow escaped our gaze, we experienced a spring like day that is often the norm here. Mid 70s temps, gently cooling ocean breezes bring in plenty of sunshine. While we struggle at times with our actual jobs, days like today make the Mediterranean climate fantastic. If we could afford a view of the ocean we would catch the sunset every day with a glass of wine! We will only be here for one more year, so we are trying to experience the outdoor lifestyle in a place centered around a ceiling-less atmosphere. We love that we can go to the beach year round here!

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