Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Heads, Carolina Tails, California

"Heads, Carolina Tails, California.
Somewhere greener, somewhere warmer.
Up in the mountains, down by the ocean.
Where? It don't matter, as long as we're goin'
Somewhere together. I've got a quarter.
Heads, Carolina Tails, California."
Where has the time gone? It seems like only yesterday that James and I were moving to California, and now we find ourselves, nine months later, living in different parts of the country, counting down the days until we will be together. We haven’t updated in a long time, which I’m sure you are aware of, so this is going to be a quick overview of our last two months. I think it’s enough to fill up a short post! As many of you already know, James’ ship is in Mississippi, and while he is technically stationed here, he isn’t actually here. He’s been gone for almost two months, and it feels like forever. I’m not very good at this whole Navy wife thing, though I do enjoy the many dresses I am required to buy! Still, by far, my favorite thing about the military. I have spent my last few months doing research and writing for my thesis project, which I can happily announce that I completed, received an incredible grade, and will be graduating with a 4.0 this weekend. It hasn’t quite hit me yet, except I actually have time to breathe and sleep, but I am excited to be done. I was very pleased with my project, and am now pursuing opportunities to use it in the real world, whether that be presenting it or writing an article. I am still working at San Diego State University, and have been very busy there. We are a national language center, and we host so many courses and programs and activities that I can’t even keep them all straight. So that takes up a ton of my time right now, as I work long hours, especially since we are gearing up for our summer immersion language programs. James is even busier than I am, working around the clock every day. When he first moved down there, he had an apartment (that was bigger than our real apartment!), but he now lives on the ship, so he lives and works in the same place. At least he gets to say “I’m on a Boat!” If you don’t get that reference, you are probably behind on your pop culture, but we love you nonetheless! I’ve spent the last few weeks traveling quite a bit, as I visited James , went to the memorials at Virginia Tech, spent a wine weekend in NC, and will be going home to the 757 for graduation. James and I are actually meeting in Charlotte and flying in together, which is very exciting. And…my brother got engaged last week and I am soooo excited to see my sister-in-law-to-be for the first time since she’s had her rock! Unfortunately, my brother will be in Spain for my graduation, so he won’t be able to make it. It should be a very exciting weekend, and hopefully when I come back, I will have some time to do some blog updates.

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