Sunday, April 4, 2010

Saying Goodbye to the HTPINK

Though it was almost two years ago, it seems like just yesterday James and I were packing the HTPINK as full as possible to embark on the 2,806 mile trip across the country to begin our new lives on the golden coast.  Now, some 5,612 miles later, we find ourselves again in Virginia Beach, waiting to move to another country.  The HTPINK liked San Diego so much, she decided to stay there, and we made the trip across the heartland of America in the Element, or as James calls it, the E.  Despite how much we travel, the HTPINK only had 52,000 miles on it, and I was sad to say goodbye, as we had fond memories together.  We learned how to change a flat tire together on the side of a mountain in southwest Virginia when her tiny sport tires hit a pothole.  We learned what the 2-4 servo was in my transmission when it went out a few times, and we learned how to be tough at the Ford dealerships by ourselves.  We traveled to football games in North Carolina and Florida, drove across Virginia countless times, and moved to Texas, back to Virginia, and then to California.  We were pulled over together for the first time for talking on the cell phone while driving, and we got out of the ticket together.    We learned that her engine made a nice home for mice, and that cyan peppers keeps the little furry ones away.  We visited friends, family, and had many happy memories together.  So this is my tribute to the HTPINK, my little Focus who got me through college and a few moves across the country. Thank you mom and dad for my 20th birthday present! (My dad tried to take a cut of the sale since they bought the car, but I didn’t think that was fair, and I declined his request.) I am now car less until we get to Japan and buy a cute little Honda or Toyota. HTPINK 2003-2010


  1. Ah, yes. I can relate. I am heartbroken to leave my FJ Cruiser behind. She (her name is Halia) and I have been on countless adventures together. She barely has 10,000 miles on her. Interesting blog site. I'll be back for some more reading.

  2. Hopefully one day you will be able to get another Va Hokie license with HTPINK!

  3. Hi Ruthie!

    I am sad that's we've both had to experience what it is like to say goodbye to a car that we've named. May we both find cute and awesome little cars in Japan! :) Thanks for checking out our blog. We've just started this one (as you can see we've barely posted over the last few months), but we've been blogging for about four years now. We started our first blog when we moved to Texas for our families, and it is a great way to keep everyone updated on our day to day lives. We moved over to wordpress from blogger recently because it gives us more options, but to be honest, I find it more difficult to use, which has led to the lack of postings. I would definitely recommend starting one for your families if you don't have one yet. They can follow all of your crazy Japanese adventures!

    I'll be thinking of you guys and praying for safe travels these next few weeks.


  4. I hope so! We were going to donate one of the HTPINKs to our favorite restaurant in San Diego, Hodads, but we ran out of time. :( It would have been awesome to have left a little piece of Virginia in San Diego though!
