Monday, June 7, 2010

Getting Oriented Navy Style

Things we’ve learned so far in orientation:

  • There are 2.3 million people living within a 3 mile radius of base.

  • 126 million people live in Japan, and 40% of them live in the Kanto plain (where we live).

  • We live in Ayase city, in Kanagawa prefecture, in the Kanto plain, on Honshu island.

  • The base, while named Atsugi, is not in Atsugi city, which is a few kilometers down the road.

  • There is a shrimp burger at McDonald’s off base that I have to try.

  • American’s are being drugged in the Roppongi district in Tokyo and wake up with thousands of dollars on their credit cards.

  • If we get into an accident, it is always our fault, no matter what happened.

  • If it’s a fender bender, we should just be able to give the other person some money, and it will be over.

  • If we hit someone who goes to the hospital, we should visit them in the hospital bearing gifts and apologizing, or risk a criminal offense charge.

  • We can go to jail for 23 days for questioning without being charged.

  • Speeding can put us in jail.

  • Camp Zama is 5 km away but takes almost 30 minutes to get there.

  • Driving 15 km will usually take you about an hour.

  • Trains! Trains! Trains!  Driving takes forever.  And all the freeways are tolls.

  • From here to Tokyo and back will cost about $70 to $80 just in tolls.

  • You can be charged with a DUI if there is anything in your system, even if it is one beer.  BAC of .03 begins criminal charges.  Jail time and $500 minimum fine.  SOFA can’t get us out of jail.

  • We get charged by our rank at the New Sanno Hotel in Tokyo (seriously???).

  • The base recently cut recycling because it was costing too much. :(

  • Our water is safe to drink! The base produces their own, and we can pay $16 to test our house water if we don’t believe them.

  • Japan burns most of its trash, so we have to separate trash into burnable and non-burnable.

  • We have to use clear trash bags, yet the commissary sells black ones (that I bought!)

  • Mt. Fuji is supposed to erupt while we are here.  And the F is an H sound, so it’s Huji San (Mountain).  And we are hiking it July 31st!

  • We can’t get a post office box because James is on shore duty.

  • And we’ve started learning Japanese, but just basic phrases for now.

We’ve only had two days of orientation, and I am exhausted.  Three more days to go and then we can get ready to take our driving class next week!


  1. Sounds exciting! Enjoy your time there!

  2. so really after learning that never leave the base :) haha so if you dont have a post office box does that mean you can't get mail - how does that work?
