Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

[caption id="attachment_584" align="aligncenter" width="490" caption="Beautiful and Delicious"][/caption]

Angela, AJ, and I would like to wish everyone a very Happy Thanksgiving.  We have truly been blessed this year and hope that you have been as well.  We also hope you all are able to gorge yourself by devouring among nature’s most noble and delicious animals, the “Wild Turkey”.  In any form, be it bourbon, mascot, fried or baked, the turkey is a majestic animal deserving of presidential pardons and your respect.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Our first official visitor!

James received the best birthday present ever this year….a visit from a great friend!  We celebrated James’ birthday by driving to Narita airport to pick up Jonathan, a friend of ours from college, who would be visiting for two weeks.  Driving to the airport was very exciting, and we thankfully didn’t hit any traffic.  We did lose our toll ticket (first time ever in our lives), and I tried to explain in English and gestures that it was gone.  (Which is actually much more difficult than it sounds…) We backed up the toll gate a little bit, but no worries, as there is a big Y on our license plate, alerting everyone that we are American and don’t know what we are doing.  Eventually, the toll booth person understood, took down our information, and charged us the regular toll amount.  (Thankfully!)  It’s moments like those when I am mad at myself for knowing as little Japanese as I do.  (We found the ticket when we got to the airport. We are AWESOME!) On our way home, we stopped at Yoshinoya, a Japanese fast food restaurant that is amazing, for Jonathan’s first meal in Japan.  Meat and rice bowls = fabulous!  It was the perfect start to a great two weeks.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Kit Kat Awesomeness

Since my first Kit Kat post, we have found many new flavors of Kit Kat’s to share with you.

Almond Tofu: We found this Kit Kat in a little shop in Chinatown, Yokohama.  Annin Tofu is an awesome almond jelly tofu pudding that is served at many places for dessert.  This is the Annin Tofu Kit Kat.  It tasted just like the dessert, a very sweet almond taste.

Sweet Potato: We found this Kit Kat in the train station at Odawara.  The Kit Kat is very sweet, and has a sweet potato aftertaste.  I would have preferred more of a sweet potato taste, but it was still very good.

Marron: Marron is another name for chestnut, and is put in everything here in the fall.  We have been buying many marron products these last few weeks.  This kit kat was very nutty in taste, and used a dark chocolate.  It left a strange aftertaste, but not a bad one.  We found this one at a grocery store in Odawara.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Google Directions: Japan to China

Google Maps directions from Japan to China.  Step number 43: Jet Ski across the Pacific Ocean.  782 km.  Awesome.