Thursday, December 23, 2010

And we chose….

House #5!

James and I chose house #5 due to its location.  The house is only a 3 minute drive from the front gate, which means James can easily ride his bike to work.  The convenience is perfect for us!  The home is beautiful, and was built in the last few years.  There are beautiful hard wood floors throughout, with the exception of the tatami room.  The house has three bedrooms upstairs, which means we can have an official guest room for all of our visitors!! (*HINT*HINT*)  As if you didn’t need another reason to come and visit us, you have to come and see the pink toilet upstairs!  Pink toilet…hello!! The master bedroom has a huge walk-in closet, and there is ample storage space throughout the house.  Not only does the home have a beautiful balcony, but there is a small backyard for AJ, complete with a Japanese maple tree and a cherry tree.  We should get beautiful fall colors and spring blooms to celebrate the changing of the seasons.  We are spending our Christmas moving into the new house, and I will definitely post pictures when we are all settled in.


  1. Looks great! How long are guys stationed there?

  2. Thanks! We are very excited! Should be here another 2 and a half years! :) Merry Christmas!!!

  3. Sweet Digs!
    Those hurricane window covers are also great for when you want to make the house dark during the day if you guys need to sleep. Merry Christmas! The wife and I plan to visit Kawasaki this year. Maybe we could get together for a drink? Did you ever check out the seashell beach I tolfd you about in Chiba?

  4. Sweet! You have a super toilet! I love those things!

  5. Heated toilet seats?! :-) Merry Christmas!

  6. We'd love to get together for a drink when you are on this side of the world. :) Just let us know! Still haven't had a chance to make it to the beach in Chiba, but it's on my list.

  7. And it's a PINK heated toilet seat!?!?!

  8. That place looks huge by Japanese standards! Congrats!

  9. Thanks! The further you get outside the city, the bigger the homes. We thought we would have a really small place here, so we left all of our furniture in the states. Turns out we could have fit it all. Getting it inside the house is a different story though. :)
