Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Sakura Latte

Starbucks in Japan is so interesting.  I love that they cater to the Japanese by promoting seasonal and traditional drinks.  February 15th, (I was patiently waiting for the release!) Starbucks Japan released the Sakura latte.  Sakura means cherry blossom, and so the beginning of the cherry blossom season begins.  I am taking a break from my usual matcha (green tea) latte to enjoy the sakura latte while it lasts.  It is pink (which makes me like it even more!) and tastes like a subtle cherry. I’m sure there are other flavors I am missing, but the point is it is fabulous.  I even bought a cherry blossom mug to enjoy my sakura latte in.  Notice the windows are also covered with cherry blossoms.


  1. I can't wait to have one of these. I wish there was a Starbucks close to where I'm living now!

  2. They are quite fabulous! I love Starbucks in Japan! :)
