Tuesday, March 13, 2012

March 11th 2011: Viewpoints from Twitter

A year ago, I wrote a blog about everything I was feeling after the earthquake.  I was sitting in a Starbucks in Virginia, while James was still in Japan, reflecting on what felt like the longest few days of our lives.  I didn’t even touch it until last week, when I started editing it.  It feels strange to go back through the happenings of last year, and I can’t bring myself to edit it just yet.  But in the meantime, I want to remember everything we went through, and I want to use the blog to document our experiences.

So, I’ve taken our twitter feed from March 11th-14th, 2011.  From when the Earthquake hit to when James finally made it home.  I must say that the tweets made me seem like I was much calmer than I was. In fact, I remember typing a joyous tweet about James being in a shelter while I melted down crying about him being sick from the water and not having food.  In hindsight, I did a great job making it seem like I was all together.  When in reality, I was a disaster.  Thank goodness for adorable poodles and a great friend who brought me food and great company.

Please read the tweets starting at the bottom of the page, and work your way to the top.

Start reading from the bottom ↑

1 comment:

  1. An extremely stressful time for us as we worried along with you so many miles away. It seemed like weeks instead of days that James was away and I will never forget that midnight phone call from you.
