Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Happy Two Year Japanniversary to us!

Wow…has it really been two years already?  The last two years in Japan have been amazing, and it’s definitely safe to say that we have fallen in love with this country and the Japanese people.  It’s difficult to believe that time is going by so quickly and we only have one year left in this amazing place.  Even with a year left, I find myself beginning to miss things.  I have randomly said to James “How are we going to have a house without a tatami room?” “How am I going to survive without a heated toilet seat?” “What am I going to do when I can’t pick up sushi at 7-11?”

So I think it will be a difficult transition when we leave Japan, but the memories will be with us forever.  And in our last year, I am making a huge effort to not focus on what I will miss, but to instead cherish every moment here and enjoy all of these amazing experiences.  When I begin to look back on this last year, it has been filled with such great friends and moments that I just realize once again how blessed we are.

Some of our favorite moments from this last year in Japan:

Learning all of the traditional Japanese Bon Odori dances and performing them in various festivals around our city.

Hiking Fuji-san (again?!?!) with a great group of friends.  And while it was also miserable, I am so thankful we did it again.

Decorating our Christmas tree in our first Japanese home.  The tatami room made for a great Christmas room.

Visiting Hiroshima and Miyajima Island in southern Japan.  It was quite a moving experience.

Relaxing for a few days in Kyoto and really getting to know the city.  Finding these adorable geisha lattes!

Drinking green tea with my mom in Tokyo

You only have one year left to come and visit us!  We’d love to have you.

1 comment:

  1. Happy Two Year Japanniversary ♪ Let's make many wonderful memories more! Love you!
