I can’t believe Colin is already a year old!! He has grown up so much, and he is absolutely adorable! We went home for his birthday, and celebrated in style with fun kid presents, Mexican food (he was born on Cinco de Mayo!), and cake to put all over your face. Colin did that quite well…although it took him a few minutes to learn he was supposed to.

He had a stylish Mohawk all day, which was very cute, and it was the first day he didn’t cry when I touched him, so I was very excited. Although, I did have to remind him that I was the mean Aunt once when I took him inside and he wanted to stay outside (which he was telling me by pointing his arm in the other direction). He got these adorable camo ducks from my mom, and he had so much fun taking them out of the plastic bag (his “purse”) and then putting them back inside.

We learned a little bit more about Baby Einstein and the caterpillar and noticed that Colin can keep a beat! It is pretty impressive, so we think we need to get him some musical instruments so he can perfect his skills young. He’s going to be a Tuba player in the MV’s one day…or if he’s smart he’ll play piccolo and be in a section with all of the cute girls. Hehehe… we’ll see!
dont worry - you're the favorite aunt - you have the doggie (or dahhs as colin now calls them)