Saturday, August 11, 2007

Summer Hikes

One of the best reasons for living in Virginia are all the opportunities to experience the outdoors. From beaches to mountains, you can't beat this place. With us only in Virginia for a little while longer, we have been out and about. One hike we love but haven't done in a few years is up to McAfee's Knob on the AT. We left AJ at home for this one, and headed out on a beautiful low humid mountain summer day. This 9 mile round trip hike is up to one the best views along the entire Appalachian Trail. Abigail first led us up to the Knob on a sweltering August day in 2001... she just forgot how far it was to the top; "Just around the next corner, I swear!" Throughout college we ventured up here several times, and took this chance now. From the summit you can see the Roanoke Airport, Tinker Cliffs, and small farms out the Catawba Valley of Virginia. Since Angela's knee surgery she has had a hard time putting much pressure on her leg, but it is slowly getting stronger and was able to handle this whole hike without too much pain. We realized we enjoy being outdoors more and more and look forward to kayaking in Virginia Beach next Spring.

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