Saturday, August 18, 2007

Summer Lovin'

Wedding season is coming to a close...and it was definitely a busy one for us this summer! :-) Weddings mean showers...and I went to lots of those over the past few months. The craziest one I went to was for my freshman roommate from college, Cathy. Her family was throwing her a shower in Salem, VA, not far from Tech, and they had all sorts of surprises in store for her! I got lost on the way to the shower, because Mapquest doesn't update road names enough, but I got there just in time for the Limo to show up. We were swept away in the limo, and no one would tell us where we were going. Forty-five minutes later, we ended up in Fincastle, VA, at an old mansion. Had I not gone to the shower, I would have probably never gone to Fincastle in my life! There awaited us a wonderful lunch, with fun lady bug candles at all of the tables, and a ladybug cake. I didn't know anyone there in the family, so it was a little awkward, but it was definitely beautiful! We also had another shower in Virginia Beach with Cathy's side of the family and 757 friends. It was filled with lots of sushi, lots of purple, and lots of ladybugs, lots of pictures, and lots of love! I had never had sushi before, but I really enjoyed it! We worked on a scrapbook of memories for Cathy, so that she can remember all of her awesome friends and the times we've had together. The scrapbook turned out great, and I finished it later to include pictures of the shower. It was so good that I wanted to keep it for myself! Ha! My mom made a beautiful cake for Cathy that looked just like a mini wedding cake. The great thing about having two showers was that all of her bridesmaids were able to make one.

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