Wednesday, August 6, 2008

The Music of the Night

James and I love music! When you grow up playing an instrument, you can appreciate all kinds of music, and the arts in general, and San Diego is definitely a city where you can appreciate it all the time! A friend of ours from college was in town a few weekends ago, and we joined Ashley and her family at the San Diego symphony Summer Pops. The guest singer was Mary Wilson of the Supremes, and she was fabulous! That’s right… “Stop….in the name of love….” and “Baby love, my baby love…” It was awesome, and she is still quite the diva after all these years. Sipping on wine and enjoying music on a perfect summer evening with a friend from Virginia was the perfect end to a stressful week of moving. No San Diego event is complete without fireworks, so we stayed and watched fireworks in the marina, and then walked along the water on the Embarcadero before ending up at an Irish Pub in the Gas Lamp District. It was nice being with Hokies in California, and we have heard rumors of a Virginia Tech bar in Pacific Beach where we can expect more encounters. We spent an hour at the airport earlier that day with a friend of mine from high school and college, Chris, as he waited for his ride. He is stationed up at Camp Pendleton, and he was telling us all about the same bar earlier in the day. And because Ashley’s uncle also mentioned it, I believe it exists! Our next cultural delight was The Phantom of the Opera, an Andrew Lloyd Weber production I have been wanting to see since 6th grade (the last time I lived in San Diego!) Though our tickets were on the fourth floor in the highest balcony, it was still fabulous. It was incredible watching the Phantom and Christine wisk across the pond of mist in the dark chambers of the opera house. I could listen to that soundtrack every night and not get sick of it! Though we declined a white mask to wear, we did take a picture with the chandelier, as you can’t see the Phantom without taking such a picture.

1 comment:

  1. We always planned to take you but I can't remember why we never went. I'm glad you've finally had the experience! Love, Mom
