Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Let's go 9:00 in the morning...

How excited are we that we have found an awesome group of San Diego Hokies to watch football games with? Ecstatic! And how excited were we when the Hokies lost another game? Indifferent. While it is nice to win, the friendly environment and the experience of the Hokie game is much more important than the actual win. Especially when you sit back and think to yourself…I’m older than every single person on that team. That’s pretty humbling and may make you think twice about making them carry the huge burden of 60,000+ fans. As Dave McKee once told us: “The pizza will still be warm…and the beer will still be cold.” That being said… Glennon has had five years to learn how to play college football. At first I felt bad for him, but then when he whined to the media, I decided that he should probably not blame everybody else on the team and take some responsibilities for his own actions. So I am excited to see what Tyrod brings us this Saturday, and I respect Beamer enough to believe in his decisions of who should start. James and I watched the game at this awesome bar in Pacific Beach with about 60 other Hokies! We got there about 8:50 in the morning (ughhhhhhhh) and the bar was already full…it was super exciting. Check out the menu If you notice on the top left hand corner....they are Hokies! I think that’s what really sells the place…everyone is wearing Tech stuff, including the Bar tenders. And they have the best tater tots ever, and when I say the best, I mean Napoleon Dynamite would be in heaven. They were good enough to make me want to put them in my pocket. We met some awesome people and I am so excited to continue to meet even more. We had class with one of the girls and she came up to us and said we had World Politics together. It’s amazing that you can take a class with 500 students and then be at a bar on the west coast watching a game and have someone recognize you from the exact class. That’s what the Hokie Nation is all about!

1 comment:

  1. Glad to see new stuff. The team was like they were on your time and never woke up.
    We are heading out tomorrow ahead of Hannah which could bring some needed rain to the area.Good thing is the trend it toward little or no rain in BBurg. Taking Sarah, Abigail, Brent and Coling. Will stay in Louisa tomorrow night and meet Mary who is going to BBurg tomorrow to see Haven
