Thursday, September 25, 2008

Childhood Memories in SoCal

Though I now consider myself a Virginian, that wasn’t always the case. In fact, up until about my senior year in college, I considered myself a Californian, having been born and raised there. It’s funny how much self-perceptions can change over the years, though I am still thankful for an upbringing on both coasts. (Or in two different countries as James would argue.) It’s been great visiting the places of my childhood, especially the places I used to live and go to church. I’ve been by both of the houses I could remember, though there were more, both of the churches I used to go to, and all three of the schools I attended. Both of the houses have been completely renovated and the first one I think they just tore down and rebuilt, because they are SUPER nice and did not look anything like that when we used to live there. These pictures are from when I was in elementary school. You may recognize the architecture from Top Gun, as this is where the movie was filmed. NTC is now closed, and has been turned into a Trader Joes, Starbucks, Panera, and some museums. (In fact, we met a guy who went to Tech at the Panera!) Top Gun wouldn’t have been nearly as awesome if there had been a Starbucks in the background! During one of the scenes, you can see the side of the church I was baptized in, and though it is brief, it is still super exciting!


  1. California IS a different country... it should require a passport. They are quite proud of having a top ten economy in the world, apparently not thinking of our nation as a whole.

    But it is good to see where my wife grew up finally!

  2. It is nice to see all of these places. When your mom was there we didn't have blogs or emails so this is the first time for me to see some of the places and things she did. We moved alot as kids as well and the nice thing about that is how grounded we still are. That where we came from can be home and where we are deffently is home. love you. aunt sandy

  3. I can't wait to come and visit you Aunt Sandy!! :)
