It seems like just yesterday Laura and I were dressed up in our middle school sundresses with our classmates shuffling into the theatre to enjoy a night of opera. We all hung over the rails admiring the chandelier, feeling classy and pretending we were much older.

Ten years later, Laura and I were all dressed up, peering over the railings looking down at that chandelier that seemed much smaller. (What can I say…I’m attracted to things that sparkle!) Compliments of her company, Laura and I were back in the same theatre; excited about a musical we knew nothing about. Having a lack of expectations is very exciting, and I think it made the Drowsy Chaperone that much better! Not to mention the complimentary champagne and front row seats!!

Sipping champagne with an amazing friend front row at the theatre was incredible, and it is a night I will treasure for a very long time. The show was amazing, an entertaining comedy that takes place in an interesting guy’s apartment where an old musical comes to life in his imagination. (
http://www.drowsychaperone.com/tour/tour_thestory.php) It was hilarious, very entertaining, and very sparkly! Sitting in the front row, you could see the faces of each of the performers, and really felt like you were part of the show. It was incredible!
I love your dress!