Saturday, December 20, 2008

Family, Football, and Food! Oh my!

James and I haven’t been home for a thanksgiving in three years (four if you include this one)! We spent our senior year Thanksgiving in New Orleans, our first year married with my grandparents in Texas, and last year, we spent apart, with James in Rhode Island and me in New Orleans. While we didn’t make it home for the real thanksgiving, we were able to visit a week early, and the Goedeckes threw an early Thanksgiving celebration for us! We hurried back from a cold weekend in Blacksburg to an amazing evening of family, food, fun, and football. AJ spent most of his time begging, and was particularly interested in where Grandma was sitting! Colin and Benjamin played with footballs (our adorable little future football players) while the grown-up boys watched football, and eventually played some football outside. This was the first time we had seen Tony out of the trip, and Jamie and Benjamin and Mr. and Mrs. Howland joined our Thanksgiving festivities. An important thing I learned: the Gougers don’t really like turkey! (You can imagine how appalled I was knowing that my family doesn’t like the most incredible bird ever!) Despite not liking it, Abigail cooked an amazing turkey, which I was very thankful for! There were also come cute turkey cookies that Colin and Ant Ant made in preparation of the festivities. I spent most of the evening with my adorable cousin Sam, who thinks I’m amazing (hence why I spend time with him) and he was thoughtful enough to tell James that we weren’t going to last because I was into him. Too cute! It was a great evening, full of bribing my nephew with cookies, and stuffing ourselves with desserts. It’s hard not being home for holidays, but it was great getting to celebrate with the family at least once this year!


  1. I like turkey. I was sad that there were no leftovers and even went to ukrops to buy a rotisserie turkey so I could eat it throughout the week following thanksgiving.

  2. i like the new posts. and love the picture of playing football. Colin looks like he's having so much fun.

    and benjamin can sure palm a football!

  3. wait - maybe its palm a basketball... either way he's so strong with that football.

  4. This Gouger likes Turkeys and I even eat them. We haven't had much snow (dusting is it) but a lot of cold rain (33-34 degrees and rain is no fun). No white Christmas for us this year, either. You should just take a drive up to the hills. I'm sure there is snow there, or go to Vegas! LOL.
