Monday, December 8, 2008

MIA San Diego Hokies

I know what you all are thinking…where are Angela and James and what are they doing? We hope to never go this long again between updates, but wanted to let you know that much like all of you, these last three weeks for us have been crazy. We spent an awesome, but quick week in Virginia, James decommissioned the Tarawa and had everything that goes with that, and I have started a new job and am working on finals in my last semester of classes for my Masters. We do care about you and will update this week! :) We promise!

In the meaning time…we are sending you our love from San Diego!

1 comment:

  1. OMG! I think Angela's eyes are frozen. It took me two days to thaw/warm up. Glad to see you and that you arrived safely back in SoCal.
