As of December 1st, I have been working full time at San Diego State University. I actually work for the SDSU Research Foundation, and not the actual university, though they work closely together, and many people don’t even realize they are separate.

I work for LARC, the Language Acquisition Resource Center, within a program called CLIP, the Critical Language Immersion Program. I have learned so much about languages in the last two months, including how to greet in Pashto, the language of Afghanistan. “assalam aleikum” “como walle salam” We teach many languages, including Arabic, Iraqi, Pashto, Filipino, Russian, French, and Persian. One thing I really enjoy about the job is learning about cultures. I am always trying new foods, and just yesterday enjoyed some Turkish candies.

We run a language lab that is always full of students, and also host summer intensive language programs, trainings for teachers, conferences, and anything and everything in between, including publishing a magazine and textbooks. My first few weeks were pretty overwhelming as I was always learning about another program that we host. It’s very exciting! Our website is currently down, because someone hacked into our systems, but as soon is it is back up, I will post it so you can see all of the exciting things we are doing!