Saturday, January 17, 2009

Birthdays with Barbies and Balloons!

Since Angela’s late December birthday often gets lost in the rush for Christmas, we had a special dinner just for her! She also found a pink tree to put up, so that will forever more be her “birthday” tree as inspired by my younger sibling who nearly shares her birthday. Given that we also happen to have boxes of Barbie and Disney princess ornaments, the tree is quite precious. In any case, I made 15 bean soup (it has been “chilly” for Southern California) and invited a few people over. We haven’t been able to make many friends so far here, but know some great people! I was also super excited to find a one use helium tank, and proceeded to fill the house with balloons, which go everywhere in the vaulted ceilings. AJ was characteristically curious of the growing balloons, but was ultimately scared of the flying objects. Really, what would make a small object quadruple in size and float?? Must be hard to comprehend. But Congrats to Angela, our newest quarter century girl! and thanks for all the gifts!

1 comment:

  1. love the birthday tree, i think everyone who has a christmas birthday should have one
