Saturday, January 31, 2009

Feliz Navidad....Prospero Ano y Felicidad

Since we’ve been absolutely crazy over the last two months, I still wanted to catch everyone up on some of our holiday festivities. Especially because it involves me buying a new dress, my absolute favorite thing about the Navy! Our Christmas Ball was held at a beautiful waterfront Hyatt in San Diego, and it was actually fun because it was the entire ship, not just the officers who think we are too young. We avoided all of the tables that said Reserved for Officers, because we didn’t want to sit by ourselves, but ended up at one anyways. James took the sign down until we realized we got free drinks at those tables, so the sign went back up. :) It was great celebrating the year with coworkers who are so fun, and I was sad to see them all move away to their new ships. Hopefully James’ new division will be as enjoyable to work with.

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