Sunday, February 22, 2009

The new bling

My wedding band, while I thought it was great, has always been a bit oversized. I am by nature a jittery person and will constantly mess with small items. Angela thinks I am a tad bit OCD, and I have to agree now (since I lost my wedding ring). But I digress. I could always take my ring off with my left hand alone, meaning I became comfortable in subconsciously removing it. Angela would often chide me after seeing the ring fly across the room when I dropped it. In any case, I was waiting to pick Angela up from work the other day, and leaned across the car to the passenger seat to put away a magazine I was reading. I must have slipped the ring off subconsciously, because I heard it hit the ground. The problem was I couldn't easily find it. Angela arrived to see me almost under the car. She wasn't mad because my OCD was driving me crazy, but we cornered the ring as sliding below the parking break housing. After many attempts of using a wire hanger, we managed to push the ring further away. After some research into the removal of the drivers seat I realized the amount we would pay to have someone remove it and the matting was more than we are ok with right now. So... my car is now worth its weight in gold! I will get the ring out eventually... but in the meantime I got the ring replaced with a tungsten ring that is much tighter. I cannot pull it off with one hand, and because it is not gold, it will not scratch easily. But at least I can admit I am a klutz.


  1. could you use a magnet to move the ring close enough? just a thought. at least you know where it is.

  2. Gold isn't magnetic...:('s a great idea for when James loses this one! ;)
