Tuesday, January 18, 2011


A few weeks ago, we discovered an amazing restaurant a few blocks from our home.  And since the discovery, we have been frequent visitors (to say the least). It's a yakiniku (which literally translates as “grilled meat”) BBQ place, where you can grill your own meat at the table. We've been to a few of these types of restaurants in Japan, but this is by far our favorite.  And the best part about it....it's very close!  It's a local favorite, and there are not  many Americans who visit, which makes me like it even more.  There are no English menus, so we just told the waitress to bring us whatever they thought was good, with the exception of tongue, which I'm not strong enough to try yet.  My favorite is galbi (which I pronounce kalbi), and is thin strips of beef.  The meat is already flavored, and it's a great experience all around.  James sums up the restaurant experience with “meat and beer.”  No more words are needed.  Come and visit so we can take you here to eat!


  1. My favorite kinda restaurant!
    The tongue is the best! I was really really hesitant too. But fried on the grill with lemon juice squeezed over it and then into your mouth steaming hot. Yum yum yum yum!
    Warning - Like all organ meat it's high in cholesterol!

  2. I love yakiniku too. I think galbi is traditionally a Korean dish, but it is delicious all the same. I hope when I get to Japan there is a good yakiniku restaurant near me too!

  3. I will try it before we leave Japan, but I keep giving myself more time! :)

  4. I think it's all Korean, but I love it! :) They are all over the place here, so you should be able to find a great local one.
