Monday, July 18, 2011

Adventures in Kit Kat'ing

Drum roll please…..we’ve made it to 30 days!!  We hope you’ve enjoyed these 30 days of life updates, and we hope that it has encouraged you to think about coming to visit us in Japan!  (*HINT*HINT*)  I’m not really that subtle…

So let’s finish this 30 day blogging challenge off sweet with adventures in Kit Kat’ing!

Sakura Matcha Green Tea Kit Kat: A spring time cherry blossom specialty (that is actually sold at the airport year-round for tourists) that celebrates a blend of two uniquely Japanese flavors, sakura and matcha. It was very sweet, and mainly tasted like white chocolate, with a flavoring of matcha tea.  The sakura flavor is very subtle and more of an aftertaste than full flavor.

Soy Sauce Kit Kat (Syoyu-fumi Tokyo Edition): This Kit Kat tasted very sweet, but not really like soy sauce. I'm not even sure how to describe it actually.  Guess you’ll have to come to Japan and try it yourself!

Royal Milk Tea: Calling all European tea drinkers…this Kit Kat is for you!  This tasted just like milk with a strong tea aftertaste.  Any tea drinker would savor this flavor.

Cafe latte Kit Kat: FABULOUS if this coffee lover must say so myself! This Kit Kat made from Hokkaido milk tasted like strong espresso. Soooo good! And it came with an instant coffee drink.

Hojicha-Roasted Tea Flavor Kit Kat: (Itohkyuemon Hojicha - Kyoto Edition) Hojicha tea is actually a green tea that is roasted to a brown color.  It is very bitter in flavor, and leaves your mouth very dry after a cup.  I am not a huge fan of the tea, but I actually really enjoyed the Kit Kat.  It tasted exactly like a cup of Hojicha tea without the dry mouth that follows. It was interesting how much of the roasted flavor you could taste as well.

Yubari Melon: This Hokkaido Kit Kat is also sold at the airport for tourists like myself. I am happy to say that James bought an entire box.  The Yubari Melon is a specialty melon grown in Japan’s northernmost island that sell as gift melons. This Kit Kat is probably the closest I will get to experiencing the taste of the Yubari Melon.  It tastes just like cantaloupe chocolate.

1 comment:

  1. I Love your blog ! please keep this! And you are super Kit Kater!!! こんなに たくさん キットカットがあるなんてしらなかったです。これからも、ぜひ しょうかいしてね!
