My dad came home for Iraq unexpectedly, and James and I were able to go home and visit him and my mom!! He was having surgery done on his face due to a skin cancer growth, and although it was benign, because it was on his face, they decided to send him home to have it taken care of.

He flew through Germany, where he stayed for a few days, and was given things to feel at home by an organization out of Roanoke! Operation First Response, http://www.operationfirstresponse.org/, provides backpacks with the comforts of home, including hygiene things, underwear, and a homemade quilt.

It was great seeing my dad, but sad that it had to be under these circumstances. I tried on his armor, as he had to travel with it, and it was SUPER heavy! I could hardly breathe in it…let alone wear it for more than 5 minutes! But….if it stops bullets then it is worth it!
He brought back some really cool Persian rugs as well.
They are red, white, and blue, to match our house, and they look amazing! We had to rearrange the house trying to figure out where they looked best, and we ended up finding the perfect spot for them. AJ loved the rugs, and he would jump on them when we were trying to roll them out. The rugs are REALLY cool! You can’t buy that quality in the US! We also enjoyed some good meals, talked, went shopping, and just hung out while he was home. It was great seeing him! We can’t wait until he is home for real!!!