Monday, February 5, 2007

Do you have an appointment?

The New Year brought good news as Angela was offered a job at Virginia Tech in the University Studies Department. We put a lot of faith coming back to Virginia without jobs, but the Lord always provides! I have an awesome job as the Administrative Assistant in University Studies, where I am basically the receptionist and the little projects person. I answer the phones, schedule appointments, sign people in, work with students changing majors, and do the dean’s list, plus whatever else the office needs done at the time. I love it because the office caters to freshmen and sophomore students who have not declared a major, which are the students I love working with…especially freshmen! They are so fun, because they are growing so much during that year, and you can have such a huge impact helping the student, as they are trying to define who they are!!  I think I want to work with freshmen for a very long time. I love everyone in the office, and I have been learning a great deal, so I am very excited!

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