Monday, February 5, 2007

Home Sweet Home!

Our new place is wonderful! We are renting out a room from our friend Bic in a townhouse very close to campus, right behind one of my favorite restaurants, Macados. Our room is so comfortable and fun, and I feel so much safer living here than I ever did in Waco. AJ likes the room, because he can sit on the bed and look out the window and bark at the cars coming in and out of the parking lot. We have a gorgeous view of the mountains, and we can watch AJ playing in the back yard from our room. Our roommates, Bic and Titus, have been great! We enjoy roommate dinners, American Idol (which I had never watched before…but am loving!) and 24. I had also never watched 24 before, which is SUPER addicting. James and I bought season one, and have been watching it, as well as watching season 6 with the town house! It has been such a sweet change from a bad situation, and we are so happy to have made the choice we did.


  1. Angela, you REALLY must have been studying like crazy these past FIVE years to have never seen American Idol OR 24!!!! Welcome back to the real world! ha

  2. I think I have only seen 2 episodes of 24 and really the only season i watched completely of American Idol was this past one when I watched it with Christy. Don't feel bad Angela, I must not live in the real world either and don't have the excuse of studying.

  3. I like the new home and the new look of the blog. I miss macados and might have you bring some for my birthday. It's been a few years.
