Monday, February 26, 2007


There is nothing quite like the Homeplace to get you excited about eating! I mean…I’ll be excited for a whole week about going…and its quite a trip. It’s an hour drive there on back roads and usually another hour wait after you get there. But, then you get the food, and you are like…heck yes! The Wyse’s came to Virginia Tech to visit Jennifer and because Aunt Derrita was visiting. Emily came up from Ferrum with her friend Latisha, and we all went to the Homeplace! The wait was a little longer than usual, but this time there was this amazing old couple who entertained us!! They sang gospel songs and old country, and we made requests the whole time. It was their ministry, and I thought it was super sweet. As we were waiting, Jen, James, and Jay (ha! It would be the three J’s) began reading the confederate books they were selling. These books were crazy! The covers were confederate flags, and all of the books were written with deep southern sympathies. The most outrageous one described why black people were lazy and ignorant in general. I couldn’t believe it! If the books hadn’t been 30 dollars, we would have bought one just so people could believe it!! After the wait, we enjoyed an amazing home cooked meal of fried chicken, roast beef, mash potatoes, veggies, cobbler, and coffee. It was soooo good! 

1 comment:

  1. Is this the place out Catawba Valley near exit 141 on I81?
