Sunday, July 29, 2007

Butterfly Kisses

I love wedding season!! It’s such a beautiful thing to see people getting married when you can see the love shining between them! I love it!!! I’m such a hopeless romantic sometimes. My best friend from high school’s little sister was married this summer, and they were absolutely adorable. Rachel and Will are perfect together, and they had a beautiful wedding at the Botanical Gardens in the Butterfly Garden. Leigh, Jennifer’s husband did the service, and it was really neat to see him up there! And of course…my favorite part was that I FINALLY got to see lil’ Roy Leigh Ray IV, aka Roy Leigh. He was absolutely adorable, and I love him! He was so fun, and good natured, and so cute. It was completely worth driving four weekends in a row to the 757 to be there! Mr. Howland put together a slide show of the couple, and it was Beauty and the Beast. I was laughing soooo hard about Will being the Beast, and I’m not sure his family enjoyed that quite as much as I did! Ha! Before they left for Florida for the honeymoon, we filled up their entire car with balloons. It was funny, because a few weeks before I had an incident with a balloon popping in my eye, causing a black eye and a small scratch, and me having to leave work, so I was too scared to blow any up! But, I tied lots of them! :-) It was so cute watching them try to get into the car, and watching the balloons float out as we were blowing bubbles at the newlyweds!


  1. Hope that's not alcohol in that drink Roy Leigh is having!

  2. Sparkling grape juice :-)

  3. The also have one of those butterfly benches at the Ginter Gardens (right near me!) so whenever you want another picture on one of those benches - come and visit!
