Sunday, July 29, 2007

Orientation 2007

Orientation... Orientation... Orientation!! Orientation is coming to a close on campus after three weeks, and like always, it has made the summer go by sooooo quickly. This year was interesting, as I have never been on the academic side of orientation before. University Studies held our session at the Math Emporium, because we see over 100 students a day, which causes problems when people are late because they don't know where the math emporium is. Angry parents are never fun, and I had the pleasure of dealing with MANY of them over the past three weeks! Now that I have an official looking name tag, it seems proper to yell at me for classes not being available for their students, or because they got lost and showed up 30 minutes late and we would no longer take them. I take it with a smile though, and then on the way to the car, I don't make eye contact at eye contact means no questions, comments, or complaints. My favorite part of the day is working with students on their schedules, because making your schedule is so much fun. It's an exciting new step, and you just don't know what is lying ahead of you the next semester. It makes me realize what a dork I am, and how much I love school and taking classes. Although, I definitely don't miss the Math Empo, despite it holding over 500 gorgeous Macs! (If you don’t know…I'm an Apple person...and I am SOOO happy that we have another Apple person in the family!! YAY MARY!!) My memories of the math emporium are awful...with Cathy (my freshman roommate) and I sending hours and nights staring at math problems and putting red cups on our computer because we had no idea what we were doing. I hadn't been back until this year!! :-) Although, this year was much more exciting, and I made it through another orientation! Go Hokies!!

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