In June we embarked on an ambitious 4 weekend drives to Hampton Roads in a row for various activities (weddings, graduations, basket makings, bridal showers, and car wrecks!). One was the happy occasion of my little sister graduating from lovely old Denbigh High School. My proud parents are really excited about successfully raising four kids through grade school, (particularly my Dad).

Mary graduated near the top of her class and is heading off to James Madison University in Harrisonburg next month to study industrial design. After the short ceremony at Hampton University Convocation center, we had a short reception for her back in Bad Newz.

The whole ceremony was very familiar to me, as I attended 5 Denbigh graduations in a row from 1998-2002! Being an extremely proud alumnus of Virginia Tech, it was nice in a way to ponder on my primary education from the Newport News School District. Angela headed back to Virginia Beach to host another bridal shower.
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