There's something about Christmas lights that make everything a bit more magical. I watched a TV special this year on those people who spend their entire year planning exquisite (or tacky depending on your opinion) light displays to make the holiday season a little more festive. What I didn't know was that many of these lights displays have more than a

million bulbs, and the displays literally take all year to plan. I also didn't know that many of these homeowners have been ticketed by the city, taken to court, and harassed by unhappy neighbors and homeowners associations. I didn’t realize these beautiful displays bothered people, but I guess the bright lights and the crowds get to individuals who have to live next door. That's not really my point though. My point is that I love Christmas lights, and every year we make an effort to visit a large display. Some of the childlike happiness of the holidays comes back to me through the lights, and I appreciate the artistry that goes into the designs. This year, we visited Enoshima Island on my birthday to view the light displays. It was pouring rain, which meant we had this magical island to ourselves and that the lights were reflected all over the ground. It was like we'd been transformed into a fairy tale. Minus the being wet part and getting rid of my rain boots before we moved, it was perfect. Despite not being a Christian nation, the Japanese love decorating for Christmas. It's strange for me, Christmas without Christ, but I love the light displays, so I am excited they put them up. These are some of my favorite pictures from the Christmas season this year. Enjoy!
Great pictures! The lights are amazing!