Wednesday, August 23, 2006

First Classes

Classes started Monday admist a blistering heat wave. I have never been so sweaty and in need of thirst in my life than this week, mainly due to walking ten minutes between the parking garage and campus. The history department is small but I like the people I have met so far. The students I'll be working with are down to earth and really great to hang out with. It is strange though going from knowing hundreds of people on campus to ten or eleven. Baylor is, well, not Virginia Tech. The campus is nice, but small, and the school feels to be poorly administered. One would think that a poorly administered school in blistering central Texas would not be an academic powerhouse. Despite Waco's shortcomings, this school is home to some impressive faculty members. Our professors are leaders in their respective fields. Baylor would probably be ranked higher academically if not for the administration and small library. After coming from Newman, the libraries here are unimpressive. I am going to be a TA for Dr. Longfellow, a specialist in French history. Dr. Longfellow is in fact a UVA alumnus! However, he does not seem to be concerned that I am a Hokie. Speaking of UVA, I cannot get away from Thomas Jefferson. The man was not even one of the great presidents, but liberal arts schools tend to thrive upon his musings for some unknown reason. One of my professors is a native German, whose father has the distinction of being the first Wermacht officer captured by the Allies in World War 2! Other than my three classes this semester I will be leading discussions and lecturing for undergrad history classes, which is a bit intimidating giving the lack of teaching experience I have. Other than classes and the unbearable heat we are finally settling into Waco. This place is different, and certainly not Blacksburg.


  1. We love the pictures and cant wait to come visit - baylor looks like a beautiful campus! And James you're looking a lot older in that picture... guess married life agrees with you.

    We love you both and miss you

  2. Older?...married life aggrees with you? You think marriage ages you fast...wait until you have kids!!!
