Today we went on a journey out into the heart of Texas farmland. 15 minutes from our apartment is Crawford, where the Bush's have a 1500 acre ranch. The tiny cross roads of Crawford has benifited greatly from the Bush presidency. Small town trinket shops line the main throughway in town, with every place selling a large amount of "W" paraphenalia. It was odd to be in a place that still proudly supported the president, but very folksy. We bought some odds and ends in a courner store, the "Yellow Rose."

We entered into a long conversation with a store owner down the road, who informed us why the town was quiet. It seems the president had taken off to Wisconsin this morning, meaning there were few government types around. He was a nice fellow and former graduate of Baylor in the early 1970's when courses cost only 17 dollars a credit hour!! We learned that Baylor bought some land near campus 4 years ago to set aside for the Bush papers if he donates them to the University. So far SMU and Baylor are competing for the documents. After shopping we headed down Prarie Chapel Road in search of the Bush Ranch, or as close to it as we could. We drove through beautiful and rugged Texas country. We thought we found the entrance to the ranch about 7 miles down the road. The property had a tall electric fence around it, so we figured it had to be right, in addition to the random black helicopter flying overhead.

We later found out that that was probably a neighbor's of Bush, but we were darn close. The other interesting thing about Crawford is the protesters organized by Cindy Sheehan. They had a huge protest last summer, and are planning on another in a week. I don't know why anyone would plan a protest in mid-Texas in August where everyone camps in 100 degree weather, but she is passionate. She just bought property in Crawford to house her constant vigil of the war in Iraq. Her protests seem rather far from the ranch, and Bush more than likely never sees it. But the swarm of protestors elicit the locals to come out and defend the president, as he has reenergized the town. A local supporter camped out in town protesting the protesters took our picture for us. The locals are all real Texas hospitality, very nice.
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