Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Musings from Opie

A happy birthday to my brother in law Brent! Sometimes I feel he gets lost with the interest in our new nephew (who is rather adorable, you can find a link to their link on the right side of the page). They live in West Virginia, which we can't make fun of too much as we live in Waco! In any case, we are feeling the pressure of Thomas Jefferson here. Angela has a professor from the UVA here who wears orange and blue ties. The professor I am assisting is a UVA alum. Conspicuously absent are faculty from the greatest university on earth. I really do miss the mountains in early Autumn. Today I bought a pumpkin spice latte at Starbuck's, a decidedly Autumn drink. I am all for Autumn weather, but it is still August in central Texas. Granted we have been experiencing a cooling trend, and the weather is now only in the mid 90s... Today Angela and I attended a decent session on a cool program called Ref-Works. For a small school, this place has more libraries than one can follow. Finding all the documents we need to write papers on will literally be a detective hunt. We miss government over sighted schools where organization seemed to make some sense. In any case, this place is different. Did you know that Virginia comes up EVERY day here in class discussions? Apparently we left the mecca of American thought and higher education... We were discussing the religious implications of Jamestowne (honestly the original colonists were not pious, I don't know why we were talking about it) and the professor asked me to add any points about Virginia since I was from there. I stated it was hot, but humid, and there were real trees. I should have mentioned that the animals in the Old Dominion are not demented. Birds in Waco appear to be afflicted with what has only been described to me so far as the "Waco Curse." The birds are creepy and are like mini-crows, but I theorize that they are just thirsty. Talking about water, this place has the absolute worst tasting water in America. We immediately hooked up a PUR water filter to the faucet. Welp, college football FINALLY starts tomorrow, and the Baylor campus is not excited. We are wearing orange and maroon everyday to pump ourselves up, and listening to Metallica. You would think in Texas people would understand football, but the student clientele of Baylor appear to be too wealthy and privileged to be bothered. They may, however, prove me wrong on Sunday when the Bears take on TCU in a religious battle.



  1. Glad to see you like Refworks. It is a very useful tool and can be used for group projects. Ernesto clears out in time for HOKIE Football on Saturday. Can you smell the turkey legs cooking?

  2. Don't complain about the's over 120 degrees here! The good news is I can watch football on the sports channel, I just have to stay up until 4AM to do so.
