Monday, August 28, 2006

First week down!

The first week of classes has come and past, and it is time to reflect upon what I know and what I do not know. The classes are a little different than I expected them to be, and it is interesting how different they are! I am taking a seminar in Public Law, a seminar in Morality and International Relations, as well as a seminar in Comparative Public Policy. It is kind of intimidating, because most of my classes are full of Ph.D. students who have a great deal more experience than I do. But, I know that I can do well, it is just going to take a great deal of work on my part. I think I'm really going to like my class in Comparative Public Policy with Dr. Riley, as we will be looking at 6 different countries and comparing national policies like welfare, healthcare, education, the environment, etc. I am very interested in how America is doing comparatively in education, so I think I will get a lot out of that class. It is also my smallest class, with only 10 other students in it, so that is a major positive. I haven't quite figured out my course in Morality and International Relations yet, as we are still in the introduction stages of the course. My professor, Dr. Clinton is a graduate of UVA, that friendly school down the road, but so far I like him nonetheless. The course is with both graduate and undergraduate students, which is definitely interesting, and I think that once we get into it, I will like it more. My third course is the most intimidating, as it is a seminar with 27 graduate students, 17 of which are PhD or law school students. I was hoping to be in more classes with just MA students, but my wish was not granted. It is basically going to be a course in constitutional law, which I have never had before, but am fairly interested in. It's going to be a trying semester, that is for sure, but I think I will learn a lot, and get the most out of the experience. I absolutely love my assistantship with Dr. Hibbs, the Dean of the Honors college! He and his assistant Paulette have been nothing but wonderful, and I enjoy the work I have been doing so far. I spent this last week editing and working on the index of a chapter in a book on film noir, which I enjoy a great deal to begin with. It was very gratifying working on something that was real, and would be making a difference in the world of academia.

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