Sunday, October 8, 2006

Baylor's Bear Trail

Baylor was recently voted one of the fittest colleges in America, probably because there is nothing else to do here except for work out. Every single time we go by campus, everyone is always running on the Bear Trail, so we decided to check it out on Friday night, with AJ. AJ loves to go walking, and he was super excited to be in a new place. We have a little trail that goes all around the apartment complex that he loves, but the bear trail had all sorts of new smells. First of all, the Bear trail is NOTHING like the huckleberry trail, to our disappointment. Part of it is an actual trail, but over 3/4 of it is just sidewalks, and you don't really know where the trail goes, because there are no signs. And then, for a lot of it, there isn’t even sidewalk…it’s like…I’m on grass, and I guess this is a trail. I was like...this isn't really a's just people running on sidewalks. But, whatever, AJ still enjoyed it. And...we diverged from the trail and let him explore the fake stream by the newest building on campus.It is really cool...and it's probably my favorite part of the campus! :-) AJ actually really enjoys the water, which is funny, because Spanky and Lizzie hate it! Tony called while we were on our walk and was complaining that he was freezing in Connecticut, and we laughed at him and said that it was about 75 out...and it was night time! :-) The weather has been really dry here, though, and the river has basically dried up, as well as the marina. I couldn't believe the marina though...I mean...there is NO water left! And when I say no no water.